
Validity of automatic vacation of stay: challenge to Asian Resurfacing 2018


Validity of automatic vacation of stay | Supreme Court reserves judgement

Automatic vacation of stay is arbitrary, judgement in Asian Resurfacing was wrong, SG Mehta argues

13th Dec 2023


Court Data

Does the Supreme Court of India Work More Days than Other Top Courts Across the World?

The top court of India hears cases for 190 days a year, a significantly higher workload compared to its counterparts worldwide.

19th Jul 2023

Supreme Court of India | Assessing Vacation


Long SC Vacations: Wasteful or Crucial for Quality of Justice?

With 68,000+ cases pending at the SC, many criticise it for its 6-7 week summer vacation. This break, however, might be crucial for its work

10th Jun 2023


Court Data

Number of Pending Cases at the SC Begins to Offer Hope as 2022 Ends

The post-summer session of the Court saw pendency drop by almost 2,500 cases. Will this trend continue?


22nd Dec 2022
