

How many times has the senior-most Judge of the Supreme Court been superseded?

DESK BRIEF: There have been three supersessions at the Supreme Court of India.


The Seniority Principle: How is the Chief Justice of India Selected?

As per the seniority principle, the senior-most Judge of the Supreme Court is appointed as the Chief Justice of India.

Court Data

Does Seniority Trump Merit in Judicial Appointments?

Seniority is an important consideration for recommendations to the Supreme Court, and there is now an all-India list indicating the same.

28th Sep 2021



How Do We Appoint Supreme Court Judges?

The judiciary appoints its own judges - a common source of conflict with the executive. But what does the process entail?

28th Aug 2021


Court Data

Since 2018, how many times have SC elevations been withdrawn?

Deferral and withdrawal of Supreme Court elevations in light of overall conversion rate.

13th May 2019
