
Supreme Court Profile


Supreme Court Review 2023: The diversity problem remained unaddressed

Even in a mostly full-strength Court, there was a startling lack of representation of religious minorities, women & marginalised communities

Justice Naima Haider judge of the Bangladesh Supreme Court


“Nobody is going to give you a floor unless you prove yourself to be…very efficient”: Justice Naima Haider

Justice Naima Haider of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh spoke about the judicial system in Bangladesh, diversity in courts and more

30th Nov 2023

Justice S.K. Kaul in Conversation with Supreme Court Observer


Everyone has a political view, but a Judge learns to shed it in Court, says Justice S.K. Kaul

In conversation with SCO, Justice S.K. Kaul spoke about mediation as the hope for better access to justice and diversity in Indian Courts

30th Nov 2023



Can there be real representation without reservation?

Why aren’t we talking about reservations in the higher judiciary for women and members of marginalised communities?

15th Nov 2023

diversity collegium inclusion


Has the Supreme Court Collegium’s Focus Shifted to Diversity and Inclusion?

DESK BRIEF: Recent Collegium recommendations show a renewed attention towards ensuring regional and gender diversity in Indian courts.

8th Jul 2023

women judges

Court Data

Only 107 of 788 Sitting High Court Judges are Women

With hardly any senior women judges in India's High Courts, gender diversity at the Supreme Court will take a hit.

30th Jun 2023

Woman Judges at the Supreme Court

Court Data

4% of Supreme Court Judges of All Time are Women

In the 50s, 60s, 70s, and most of the 80s, the Supreme Court had no women Judges. Since 1989, it has had 11.

30th Jun 2023



2022 Supreme Court Review: Gender Equality

SC Judgments in the challenge to the Hijab Ban and on abortion laws for married women were important milestones in equality for women.

30th Dec 2022



A Profile of the Supreme Court: Gender, Regional and Religious Diversity

The Supreme Court bench has the highest number of women ever, maximum judges from the Bombay and Delhi High Courts and mostly Hindu judges.

28th Aug 2021
