journal | Analysis

Reservation for EWS: 5 Must Reads

journal | Analysis

Will EWS Reservation Survive?


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Can the CJI direct withholding of work before completion of an in-house inquiry?

The answer lies in a 2014 Supreme Court case where the complainant challenged a two-judge probe committee set up by the CJ of the MP HC

Death Penalty, remission


Exclusion of remission: Supreme Court misses another opportunity to lay down clear guidelines

A February decision is the latest instance of the Court converting a death sentence to life but prematurely closing the door on remission


‘Total insensitivity’: Supreme Court stays Allahabad HC judgement on attempt to rape

A Single Judge of the Allahabad HC had observed that ‘grabbing of breasts and loosening of pyjama string’ did not amount to attempt to rape


Supreme Court considers reforms in Senior Advocate designation process

After two days of hearings, the top court reserved judgement in the case to decide if the process needs fine-tuning or a complete overhaul

Manasi Shah

25th Mar 2025

Event SCO at a Panel Discussion on the role of the media in tackling gender gap in the judiciary


Panel discussion on the role of the media in highlighting gender gaps in the higher judiciary

SCO participated in a national consultation held in Bengaluru to address the lack of representation of women in India's courts

SCO Team

25th Mar 2025



Justice Varma cash inquiry: The story so far

Following a fire, a large amount of unaccounted cash was found in Justice Varma’s official residence on 14 March

Mitigating circumstances DB


Crime and Punishment, in context

The Supreme Court’s recent commuting of a death sentence causes us to revisit the tricky question of ‘mitigating circumstances’

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From the editor's desk

The differential levels of scrutiny the Court applies to studies on caste vis-a-vis economic backwardness may have deep and abiding implications for how affirmative action policies are crafted in the future, and is especially prescient in a situation where challenges to EWS reservations remain pending.
Can the Supreme Court Provide Reservations for Orphans?

With the petition seeking orphans to be identified as a backward class, are we moving away from a caste centric definition of backwardness.

Part I—The Mandal and Sinho Commissions: A Study in Contrasts

There is a marked difference in the methodology employed by the Mandal and Major Sinho Commissions in studying backwardness.

SC Offers Hope for OBC Reservations in Maharashtra Municipal Elections

The Maharashtra government was directed to submit data justifying its OBC reservation policy to the State Commission for Backward Castes.

Medical Students Relieved as SC Issues Order in PG NEET Case

DESK BRIEF: The SC issued an Order allowing the Union to immediately commence counselling for admissions to postgraduate medical programmes.