Madhavi Gopalakrishnan
Madhavi Gopalakrishnan's Posts

Constitutionality of Abortion Laws: 3 Must Reads
Three articles which delve into the legal status of personhood, state attitude towards abortion access and the right to sexual autonomy.
The Grand Finale of ConQuest 2020 is here!
The Grand Finale will be livestreamed on ThePrint’s Youtube channel
Fifth edition of ConQuest kicks off online, preliminary results out
ConQuest questions were an interesting mix of Indian political and constitutional history
Justice Mishra Retires
Justice Arun Mishra's tenure marks him as one of the most popular and controversial judges in the current cohort

EWS Debate Resurfaces
State Government direction to stop issuing certificates to economically weaker sections reignites debate around economic reservation.

LGBT Rights: Comparing SC to SCOTUS
Has the SCOTUS jurisprudence on LGBT rights had an impact on the Supreme Court of India?