Krithika Balu
Krithika Balu's Posts

Ayodhya: Property Dispute or Constitutional Question?
DESK BRIEF: The strategy of the parties is to focus on adjudicating Ayodhya as a property dispute rather than on core constitutional values

Forest Rights Act in the Supreme Court: Eleven Years and Counting
DESK BRIEF: After eight years of relative neglect, a constitutional challenge to the Forest Rights Act has acquired a new form.

Judicial Transfers: Sankalchand Redux?
Judicial Transfers without consent of judges demonstrates tussle between the executive and judiciary.

Week 4 in Ayodhya
This week, the hearings in the Ayodhya dispute centered around the possession claim. All three parties relied on archaeological evidence.

Week 3 in Ayodhya
In Week 3, Sr. Adv. CS Vaidyanathan, who represents Lord Ram, took the court through the documentary and oral evidence.

The Constitution Bench Trade-Off
DESK BRIEF: Recent scholarship suggests that constitution benches have a major impact on the speed at which the Court disposes of cases

A Sparky September
DESK BRIEF: In September, the Supreme Court will continue hearing arguments in the Ayodhya dispute and the NRC case.

Myth and History as Legal Evidence
DESK BRIEF: In the Ayodhya dispute, the court will break new ground on the extent to which historical and religious materials are admissible