Court Data
Court Data
Do increases in court congestion decrease future institution?
Whether there is a correlation between time lag in the disposal of pending cases and number of new cases filed.
17th Jul 2019
Court Data
Pendency in the Supreme Court, 2019
Steady increase in pendency of cases before the Supreme Court.
9th Jul 2019
Court Data
Low number of summer vacation judgments
Variation in the yearly number of judgments delivered during the summer vacation of the Supreme Court.
18th Jun 2019
Court Data
Pendency: Civil/Criminal Breakdown
Comparative ratio of criminal and civil cases pending before the Supreme Court.
7th Jun 2019
Court Data
No relation between number of judges and disposal rates
The increase in the number of SC judges has not had an impact on the efficiency of the court.
29th May 2019
Court Data
Since 2018, how many times have SC elevations been withdrawn?
Deferral and withdrawal of Supreme Court elevations in light of overall conversion rate.
13th May 2019
Court Data
22.9% of pending SC case cannot be heard
22.9% of the total pending cases before the Supreme Court are non-hearable.
30th Mar 2019
Court Data
Sabarimala: Uses of the word “Untouchable” in Judgment
Differential standing points of the Sabarimala Bench with respect to questions of untouchability.
22nd Feb 2019