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COVID Coverage: Court’s Functioning (29th August, 2021)

On August 29th 2021 it was announced that physical hearings would resume in the Supreme Court for a limited number of cases.

SCO Team

30th Aug 2021


How Do We Appoint Supreme Court Judges?

The judiciary appoints its own judges - a common source of conflict with the executive. But what does the process entail?

Ajoy Karpuram

28th Aug 2021


A Profile of the Supreme Court: Gender, Regional and Religious Diversity

The Supreme Court bench has the highest number of women ever, maximum judges from the Bombay and Delhi High Courts and mostly Hindu judges.

Mihir R

28th Aug 2021


President Appoints 9 Judges to the Supreme Court

The appointments include three women and one advocate directly elevated from the Bar. B.V. Nagarathna is likely to be the first woman CJI.

Mihir R

26th Aug 2021


Covid Coverage: Children in Protection Homes, August 26th 2021

The Court issued an order to the State Governments to complete the process of identification of children orphaned by the pandemic

SCO Team

26th Aug 2021


Is Gender Now a Criteria For Appointing SC Judges?

While the primary criteria for SC appointments has always been seniority, some argue that gender should also be an important consideration.

Ajoy Karpuram

25th Aug 2021


Why Did Parliament Have to Pass the 105th Constitutional Amendment?

In overturning the Maharashtra Reservation judgment, the Supreme Court paved the way for a State List on SEBCs.

Mihir R

24th Aug 2021


Who Are the Nine Recommended SC Judges?

August 2021 saw two Supreme Court retirements accompanied by nine Collegium recommendations to the apex court.

Ayushi Saraogi

19th Aug 2021