Supreme Court on the Political Upheaval in Maharashtra
Dr. Sanjay Jain and Ms. Malika Jain explore the key takeaways from the SC's decision, and discuss its impact on Maharashtra politics.
12th May 2023
Going Beyond Marriage: A Case for Relational Equality
Some of the petitions in the marriage equality case argue for more than the right to marry. They ask for the right to a chosen family.
10th May 2023
Queer Marriage Under the Special Marriage Act: What’s at Stake?
Despite the SC’s move to restrict the case to the SMA, several concerns mar the road toward marriage equality for the LGBTQIA+ community.
9th May 2023
The Challenge to the Appointment of 68 Judicial Officers in Gujarat
Has the Gujarat HC breached the ‘merit-cum-seniority’ rule in its recent Judicial appointments?
8th May 2023
Countdown to Vacation: What does the SC Have on its Docket?
DESK BRIEF: SCO lists key cases the SC is expected to hear over two weeks as its before its 40 day vacation this month.
8th May 2023
Rights of Marriage or the Right to Marry?
As the focus of the Marriage Equality hearings shifts to the ancillary rights of marriage, SCO examines the way forward.
5th May 2023
Parties in Marriage Equality Challenge to Discuss Possible Solutions
All parties in the case will meet this weekend to explore administrative changes outside of the right to marry.
5th May 2023
The Union’s Case Against Marriage Equality
DESK BRIEF: Union argues that the right to sexual autonomy does not include the right to compel the State to recognise LGBTQIA+ marriages.
29th Apr 2023