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Justice S. Ravindra Bhat: Tenure in Numbers

Justice Bhat retires after a four-year tenure with 142 judgements to his name

20th Oct 2023

Video Conferencing, prison


With video conferencing, a Court gave better access to justice to undertrials languishing in jail

The innovation let prisoners who weren't adequately represented appear in Court through video conferencing. Can it be replicated elsewhere?

19th Oct 2023


What were the directions issued by the Supreme Court in the Marriage Equality judgement?

The Court directed the Union and state governments to ensure that queer persons are protected from violence and discrimination

18th Oct 2023



Can’t seek the effect of a review petition in an appeal: Solicitor General cautions against abuse of process in PMLA Review

Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal asserts PMLA decision is unconstitutional. Bench to hear the case in November

18th Oct 2023



Many a slip between jail and bail?

The Supreme Court must take into account both structural and practical issues that cause delays at every stage of the bail process


17th Oct 2023

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (3)


“Averse” to stilling heart of a viable foetus: Supreme Court rejects plea for termination of 26-week pregnancy

The Chief's 3-judge bench held that with no danger to mother and no foetal abnormalities, termination cannot be permitted beyond 24 weeks

16th Oct 2023

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (4)


How can we believe the prescription, Supreme Court asks petitioner seeking termination of 26-week pregnancy

The Supreme Court directed AIIMS to conduct an independent investigation into whether the petitioner was suffering from postpartum psychosis

16th Oct 2023


Critical Opportunity for Structural Reform in the Supreme Court of India

Resurrecting the constitutional function has the potential to change the way the Supreme Court of India operates

16th Oct 2023